Timothy’s Story

When I was the same age as Daniel, I remember blizzards that would cancel school for a week, snow so high that my dad and I would make igloos out of them, snow so heavy I could sink waist deep. Core memories that don’t just pale in comparison, they hurt.

Vivina’s Story

I love when the snow actually sticks to the ground and piles up to six inches–I would make bunny rabbits with footprints, or draw things in the snow that was piled on ledges. Sadly, I don’t remember doing any of those things in the last two or three years–not because I don’t have the time to do so, but because there was never that much snow to begin with.

Ghent’s Story

The young campers between ages six and eight complained about not feeling well and nearly fainted as some had in the previous summers due to these heat waves.

Olesia’s Story

Title Olesia’s Climate Story Name Olesia Rivera Place Flourtown, PA 19031 How are you sensing climate change? how im seeing climate change is 2.5-5.5 inches How do these changes make you feel? it threw my sleeping pattern off. it was hard to adjust Collection...

Emily’s Story

For my climate story I am writing about the changes that I have noticed while attending college and living in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.